Daddy-Daughter Date Night Idea: The Last Minute Tea Party

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IMG_2878The last few days, which were supposed to be days off, wound up being impromptu work days for me. When I came home this evening, my 3 year old attacked me with pleas for attention and play time. It’s important to understand that as a dad and a follower of Jesus, I consider it my duty to love my daughter in a way that shows her who Jesus is. It’s a job I take very seriously. So, I spent some time playing, but I had to start making dinner. It was late and I was tired, so dinner was not going to be anything spectacular. I put a frozen pizza in the oven and made sandwiches and salads for my wife and I, all the while my daughter was danced around me in an effort to get my attention. Then, I had an idea. I put on the kettle to boil and made tea in her teapot, one I picked up specifically for tea parties with her. As soon as she saw it out and me filling it with water, she started squealing about having a tea party. I set the table with candles, put out teacups and saucers, put her in her fancy dress, and put on my suit. My wife quickly joined the act, putting on a dress. The result was a IMG_2868 2tea party with our little girl over a regular dinner of frozen pizza and salads. It’s not an elaborate daddy-daughter date night, but throughout dinner she repeatedly exclaimed how excited she was to have a tea party for dinner. It wasn’t my preferred daddy-daughter day together. However, given the brief time I had available to plan dinner, our impromptu candlelit tea party was a huge hit with one of the people who matters most to me.   IMG_2879 IMG_2883click here for dad daughter

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14 thoughts on “Daddy-Daughter Date Night Idea: The Last Minute Tea Party

  1. Good man!!
    I believe our daughter’s best protection against the wrong man is their own personal choices based on what they love. They will compare every man to Daddy. You are setting the bar high!!
    Way to go!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great idea having that tea party for your daughter! These are precious moments we have with our children while they are young and impressionable, and making a deeper impression when time is taken specifically for them. I loved reading this story and am sure I will enjoy reading more from your blog. Thanks for stopping by and liking mine, which led me to yours. God’s richest blessings to you and yours 🙂


  3. Trevor says:

    Nothing to lock up a daddy’s heart like a daughter. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. mrteague says:

    This made me smile. 🙂 “It’s important to understand that as a dad and a follower of Jesus, I consider it my duty to love my daughter in a way that shows her who Jesus is. ” Can’t say amen enough to that statement!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. trotter387 says:

    It is spending time with your children when you are really tired that often becomes the most rewarding for two reasons:

    One you focus one someone else and not on how tired you are – the example of Jesus comes to mind how many times did he make time for others although he was really too tired?

    Second – after 36 years of marriage and raising two sons the time they found most rewarding and precious was when I dropped everything for time with them, no matter how tired. There is one legend that does the rounds that I play video games while I was sleeping – I still say I was awake but they make the point that occasion was the only time I ever beat both of them.

    Cherish these times they are the memories you all look back on.

    Liked by 1 person

    • patchingcracks says:

      Agreed completely! The time I spend with my kids is time that I learn the most about being Christlike and selflessness.

      I am doing my best to enjoy time with my kids as much as possible. Thanks for posting. I appreciate the comments.


  6. dfrelix says:

    Love this! These times will be some of the most cherished memories for your daughter. Think I might use this idea this evening!! Thanks!


  7. Sean says:

    I remember when my daughter was three. Now I’m teaching her to drive. Cherish these moments, my fellow dads.

    Thanks for the post. Very creative thinking, especially given the time constraints.


    • patchingcracks says:

      I am definitely doing my best to enjoy it. I’ll admit that I’m also looking forward to teaching her to drive. Here in Montana, it starts pretty early. Thanks for reading and commenting.


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