Patching Cracks

When I first got out of college I worked as an exterminator in North Houston. During one of my calls, I visited a house, where I saw the biggest wall crack I had ever seen. The plasCracked Foudnationter was separated by nearly an inch. The crack ran from the floor to the ceiling and across the room. I asked the owner about the fracture. He responded by pulling up the rug and revealing a large crack in the slab of the home. As the crack worsened, the walls began to come apart. This was a problem that could not be solved with simple patchwork, because filling the cracks with plaster wouldn’t address the real issue of a broken foundation. Without repairing the foundation on which the walls are built, the problems would only get worse and eventually, the whole structure will come crashing down. Often, folks develop problems in their lives. These problems appear like cracks in the walls of their family life or careers. Sometimes, they attempt to patch up the fractures with quick solutions. Other times, they try to ignore issues as long as possible, hoping that it doesn’t get worse. Regardless of the response we choose, the condition of the foundation on which our lives are built will determine how effective our solutions are.

I write a weekly marriage and family advice column entitled “Patching Cracks,” which is published in the local paper. The good people who run the local paper have blessed me enormously by allowing me to write for them. The endeavor has been a huge blessing in my life and has prompted me to spend time considering the difficult dynamic that exists in the world of church work as it relates to the issue of helping folks deal with their personal problems, serving the needs of the world, and the gospel message of Jesus. As Christians, it’s important to consider this dynamic and keep it at the forefront of our minds because it is easy for preachers and teachers to lose their way in this area. In addition, offering help with personal problems may meet their immediate felt needs, but knowing Jesus is a far more important need that everyone has. 

The toughest part of the balance is keeping in mind that the Bible is not a “self-help” book. It was not written as instructions for helping you achieve your best life now. It’s easy for pastors to mine through the scriptures and present life tips to help people overcome their depression or believe in themselves enough to accomplish their dreams because the Bible is a book that is imbued with divine wisdom. Many pastors have made a great living and built ministry empires by simply serving congregations milk shake teachings skimmed from the surface of the Biblical texts, and all too often, taken out of context with unintended meanings attached to them. Dealing with problems in our lives by simply using the scriptures as a guide for sticking bandaids on cracked walls may be effective in the short run, but it can never solve the larger problem of a cracked foundation.

The Bible’s actual purpose is stated pretty clearly by Jesus: You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me… (John 5:39) Plainly put, the scriptures exist to tell us about Jesus. The Old Testament points forward to His coming. The Gospels tell the story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The rest of the New Testament tells of the growth of the church and instructs believers how to live as new creations in Christ, basically pointing back to Him. This isn’t to say that the Bible doesn’t include some very useful information for managing conflict, financial advice, or parenting suggestions. However, any implementable advice that can be gleaned from the Bible needs to be handled in context of Jesus’ saving work. Otherwise, forgiving my enemies, praying for those that wrong me, learning to give my wife grace, or any other life tip is like plaster slathered into a wall crack that is caused by a disintegrating foundation. Effective and lasting life change is the result of being made new in Jesus, not simply picking and choosing the teachings that seem like they will work for us. This is the message of the gospel. Jesus, who is God, came to us as a man and was punished for our sins by dying on the cross. We are forgiven for our sins and spared from their eternal consequences by making Him our Lord. This means that we live for Him. When this happens, we die to our old selves and are made into new creations. We are spiritually brand new. The rest of life is then building our lives on Him and His teachings. In this sense, the scriptures were never intended to be self-help. They tell us how God helps us.

Coming to a place in our lives where we submit to God’s remaking our lives is no small thing. Most people would rather work on solving their own problems than consider submitting to God to solve them for us. The first step to managing our life problems is learning to submit to God.

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20 thoughts on “Patching Cracks

  1. Jennwith2ns says:

    This is great! I’m happy to know the reason for your pseudonym and I’m also happy you have this opportunity to minister in this way. SO important.

    So I apologise for the frivolous aside, but you’re not a Doctor Who fan are you? (If you aren’t, you’ll have no idea what I’m talking about, but if you are, you’ll know what your first paragraph reminded me of. 🙂 )

    Liked by 1 person

    • patchingcracks says:

      My wife and I are both Dr. Who fans. She really loves David Tennet and the cracks in time storyline was amazing. Thanks for pointing that out! Really awesome!


  2. connordefehr says:

    Awesome reminder that the Scriptures aren’t the band-aid, Jesus is through His Holy Spirit. Thanks for this!


  3. Amen! And a special amen to your final sentence: “The first step to managing our life problems is learning to submit to God.” Thanks for liking my post “Living New.”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “The first step to managing our life problems is learning to submit to God.” You saved the best for last! Wonderful article and very encouraging.


  5. laurabennet says:

    Thanks for checking out my blog. Your post reminds me of the verse that talks about us being “transformed by the renewing of our minds.” Only Jesus is the way, the truth and the life so it is through his saving grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit that our minds our renewed to think like him and transform us. As you say, otherwise we can certainly apply biblical principles, which is great, but without Jesus we won’t be changed.


    • patchingcracks says:

      Thanks for reading and commenting. I enjoyed your writing and will be reading more in the future. Really, the transformation thing is so important, I struggle with that because much of my writing is tips and advice, but without Jesus, none of it works.


  6. John 5:39 (ESV) 39 You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me,
    I agree, I think this is the key verse in scripture. We read to know Him. The Bible is not a self help book.
    Well said!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. pj says:

    thanks for liking my post “Life on the Move”. I’m appreciating your blog and am now following! Although my blog is kind of a hodgepodge of stuff, I attempt to sprinkle the gospel in where appropriate. God bless you and your ministry!


    • patchingcracks says:

      I really enjoyed your post and appreciate you visiting my blog. Thanks for commenting as well.


  8. Thanks for looking in at my blog: Your article is like a breath of fresh air. Really: I have scanned hundreds, your words do not come from a quick overnight thought. One man said: “It is easy to spot those who have been through the fire>” Blessings.


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